Tobias Hoffmann Fallschirme – Zwei

JHM 197

Tobias Hoffmann – g
Holger Werner – bcl, cl
Frank Kampschroer – e-b
Ralf Gessler – dr

1. Fahrstreifen (8'01) / 2. Marsch im Herbstlaub (7'49) / 3. Objekte im Spiegel (7'12) / 4. Talbrücke–Flutbrücke (7'52) / 5. Wölfe (außerhalb des Geheges) (5'34) / 6. Schafe (1'17) / 7. Schwebebahn (5'58) / 8. Blatt–Nadel (6'06) / 9. Aufbruch (6'13)

Following the debut CD of the "Fallschirme", released in 2007, „Zwei“ is a recording of one of the most creative bands from Cologne, this time with a very different line-up: it is a perfect example for a very individual musical language using loads of playing and improvising parameters without ever being eclectic.