Victor Gelling 4 – Alpakafarm

JHM 275

Victor Fox - sax, bcl
Gabriel Rosenbach - tp, flgh
Victor Gelling - b
Leif Berger - dr

1. Hinterland (7'17) / 2. Nichts von Nachtigallen (5'42) / 3. Laternen I (3'08) / 4. Der sowjetrussische dialektische Materialismus (7'27) / 5. Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans? (2'03) / 6. Das Nächsten-Dienstag Problem (4'27) / 7. Laternen II (3'47) / 8. Come Sunday (6'56)

„The strength of a 21st century's musician is based on the way he reflects and how he refers to what has been there before him“, is what Victor Gelling says and with it describes the special way of his attempted field research on „Alpakafarm“, by tackling with structures of blues, concepts of Ornette Coleman and Charles Mingus, the Art Ensemble of Chicago, Duke Ellington and the music of New Orleans jazz. He comments these structures and uses them as reference in terms of a contemporary consideration in order to find new perspectives on jazz tradition: a platform for trying out new concepts and thus attempt to reflect on the attitude of the formerly mentioned „fellow musicians“, that are fascinating Victor and his band. Explaining the title „Alpakafarm“ Victor Gelling says: „At first glance it may seem weird or grotesque. There is nothing like a profound psychological explanation. It is just that I have a great liking for these animals, almost making jokes about having a farm breed alpakas when I am thirty years old. For the album's title I just like the image that clings to the word. It is something familiar, yet being something extraordinary. Similar to something like a homecoming to a place you get to for the first time.“

(release date: 14 Oct 2020)

  • "[E]nger Ideenaustausch auf vergleichsweise kleinem Raum und eine Neigung zu groß ausgestellten kleinen Gesten. Gelling, jetzt schon als Komponist beeindruckend, hält sich als Bassist zurück, lässt den Quartettmitglidern den Vortritt, die allesamt mit selbstbewusstem Understatement zu bestechen wissen [...]. Keinesfalls ist man in dieser 4 durch zu viel Wissen und oder Ambition gehemmt, was man im Vorhinein bei frsichen Hochschulabsolventen hätte annehmen können - das servierte Material birgt reichlich unbefangene Zugkraft in sich." (Levi Sorglos, Jazz Podium 12/20 | 1/21: 74)
  • "Entsprechend taucht er [...] hier tief hinein in die Historie [...]. Heraus kommt eine erfreulich kreative Hommage überwiegend mit Noten aus Gellings eigener Feder, die kenntnisreich ausfällt, aber weder schulmeisterlich dröge noch abstrakt neutönerisch daher kommt, sondern unaufgeregt, lässig und groovend. [...] Im Hier und Jetzt aufgehend, erjazzen sie allerlei hörenswerte Momente einer breiten Stimmungsskala [...] - auf dieser exklusiven Alpakafarm für Blue-Notes gedeiht der Jazz in kompetenten Händen." (Stefan Uhrmacher, Saarbrücker Zeitung, 27 Jan 2021, S. B4)
  • "Alpak[a]farm consegue ser inovador sem nunca perder rasto ao que já foi feito no passado. É, por isso, um trabalho que não deve apenas ser ouvido, mas sim escutado de forma atenta e curiosa de modo a se perceber as tendências e caminhos que uma nova geração de músicos, altamente qualificados e inovadores, se encontra a trilhar. E não falamos de mesclas baratas como estão tão em voga nos últimos anos, mas da exímia incorporação na composição da tão importante dialética de reacção-progresso que obriga o jazz a adaptar-se a uma nova realidade." (João Morado, Beats for Peeps, 7 Feb 2021)

*Newcomer des Jahres 2020: Victor Gelling*
(Benno Bartsch, Jazz Podium 2/2021: 25)

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Laternen I
Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?
Das Nächsten-Dienstag Problem
Come Sunday