Sotto in Su – Südamerika Sept. 90

JHM 051

Thomas Heberer - tp
Alexander Tuchacek - synths
Frank Schulte - samp, synths, tapes, records
Reinhold Breuer - dr, perc
Boris Hanzer - sound effects, recording

  1. Tunnelflug mit Klimawechsel (5'29)
  2. Asphaltwirbel, Fleisch vom Rind, Smogalarm (5'46)
  3. Tango Corrientes (5'24)
  4. Sierraflimmern (Föhn Stufe 3) (2'50)
  5. Luna, Luna, Luna (3'55)
  6. Schrott, charmante Erscheinungen, Fieber (10'44)
  7. Vandalis Electrica (2'22)
  8. El lugar y el momento (4'51)
  9. Rock Beat Alemania (3'23)
  10. Warten auf die Pinguine (5'00)
  11. Nationalfeiertag (5'40)
  12. Epilog mit umgedrehter Sichel (4'28)

"Sotto in Su [...] can be understood, with all its timely references and atmospheric memories, as a travelogue, but also simply as dreamlike music[...]. It is heavy, solemn music, which combines electronic artificiality with the warmness of an open look. Confusingly beautiful music, which you cannot escape, once you find yourself inside it. And the doors only open, when the last note has been played." (Konrad Heidkamp, Die Zeit, 05.06.1992)