Franck Band – Dufte
JHM 054
Hinrich Franck - keyb, voc, ld
Frank Gratkowski - as, fl
Werner Neumann - g
Claus Fischer - b
Hardy Fischötter - dr
Anke Engelke - voc
Irene Lorenz - voc
Frank Köllges - voc
Wolfgang Fuhr - ts, bs, fl
Thomas Heberer - tp
- Opener (3'29)
- Der Musikant (3'05)
- Zu doof (5'30)
- Vivien (3'27)
- Connection (5'35)
- Kicker (2'32)
- Bauerntanz Nr 7 (3'12)
- Nimmich (5'46)
- Positiv (4'03)
- Bauerntanz Nr 8 (2'01)
- Quieck! (5'38)
- Wir sind dufte (5'15)
- Good Bye, Good Bye, Good Bye (2'47)
"Whether it's Rock, Punk, Jazz, Latin, Garage Rock or Funk, this band, with seemingly little effort, picks up contrasting music themes, switches into high gear, distorts sound, plays with it, and basically pulls out all the stops, using all their know-how. In addition to the group's thoroughly convincing musical achievements, another thing is truly astonishing; they sing in German and it really works!" (KEYS, 3/93: record of the month)
- amazon
- FranckBand (Webshop)
- jpc