Nickendes Perlgras – Die hintere Vase
JHM 105
Michael Thieke - sax, cl
Michael Anderson - tp, flgh
Eric Schaefer - dr
1. Wiener Dog (3'01) / 2. Milz (4'51) / 3. Dante Extra Vergine (2'06) / 4. Glänzender Lügner (7'37) / 5. Lingus (5'17) / 6. Stroh-Alm (3'02) / 7. Fanfare (3'56) / 8. Flavoids (6'03) / 9. Stöckchen in Speiche (2'34) / 10. Und Plastikschweine (6'20) / 11. Ovulus (3'13) / 12. Wo die Vasen grasen (5'21)
One of the freshest recent productions; improvised music with witty and droll musical themes and groove attacks. By far the most original band of the Berlin scene.
Wiener Dog