Thomas Heberer / Dieter Manderscheid – Wanderlust
Thomas Heberer - tp
Dieter Manderscheid - b
1. Monk’s Mood (2'36) / 2. The Progress Thus For (4'32) / 3. Sketches Of An Innovator (4'51) / 4. New Orleans Blues (3'42) / 5. Interlude 1: Conjuration (1'12) / 6. Room 210 (5'41) / 7. Axis: Eclipse (2'05) / 8. Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress (5'06) / 9. A Night In Tikijja (3'56) / 10. Interlude 2: Creaking Creatures (1’48) / 11. Sketches Od An Innovator 2 – E. Dolphy (4’07) / 12. E.R. (3’07) / 13. Epilogue: The Progress Thus Far (1’18)
This third album is following "Chicago Breakdown" (JHM 138/Award of the German Record Critics) and "What a wonderful world" (JHM 118) of trumpet player Thomas Heberer and double-bass player Dieter Manderscheid. Its title "Wanderlust", a composition of Duke Ellington, is, as for example "kindergarden", a German term that has found its way into the Anglo-American language. "Wanderlust" means the need for dwelling in nature but also for aimless restlessness. The music of this album is strongly inspired by the possible suggestions of having this "blue feeling". And it combines great parts of jazz history from Jelly Roll Morton, Duke Ellington and Charles Mingus to compositions of Heberer and Manderscheid.