Lautstark!4 – Autark
Jan F. Kurth - voc
Lutz Adrian Streun - bcl, ts
Matthias Kurth - g
Demian Kappenstein - dr
1. Achterwehr, aus: Drei Schleswig-Holsteinische Dörfer (5’04) / 2. Lautstark!4 (4'46) / 3. Schilksee, aus: Drei Schleswig-Holsteinische Dörfer (3’28) / 4. Prolog (2'49) / 5. Ankommen (3'55) / 6. Ascheberg, aus: Drei Schleswig-Holsteinische Dörfer (6'04) / 7. Zwei Stücke mit Widmung I (4'38) / 8. Zwei Stücke mit Widmung II (5'05) / 9. Vor dem Regen (11’23)
Jan F. Kurth from Cologne (born in 1982) - singer, vocalist and composer - is leader of the band Lautstark!4 from Dresden, Germany. Together with his three congenial colleagues he presents an extraordinary synthesis of conceptual compositions and improvisation. Singer/Vocalist Jan F. Kurth needs no lyrics to tell fanscinating stories using his voice only as instrument. From performance to performance he more and more impresses audiences that are used to absolutely different concepts of vocals in jazz: proof of the band`s quality.